The kids in the Chorale Family are fundraising for their Disney Trip in March 2025!

The students will be heading down to Southern CA in March to experience a special and memorable recording session with professionals in Disney Studios. If you would like to make a donation to support our SYC & VYA kids on this special event, please click on the link to make your tax-deductible donation!
Ways to contribute:
1. Online donation
Click the “Donate” button to make an individual, one-time, and immediate donation to the Chorale.
2. Monthly subscription donation
Many donors enjoy the option of giving to the Chorale on a subscription basis. In this option you pay a small amount each month, beginning when you first sign up. Over the year, those contributions really add up! Best of all, your credit card is charged automatically so there’s nothing for you to forget!
3. Season Sponsors and Program Advertising
From sponsoring a concert, the venue, instrumentalists, soloists, or our choirs, we have a variety of sponsorship opportunities.
Advertising is one of the many ways to make yourself known among Chorale singers, staff and audiences. Purchasing ad space in our programs is a great way to support the Chorale.
4. Planned Giving
NEW! Support the Stockton Chorale in your will or estate plan via planned giving.
5. Endowment
Barry and Linda Levine created this endowment to support our Stockton Youth Chorale and Valley Youth A Capella programs.
6. By Phone or Mail
Contributions can be made by mail or by phone. To donate by mail, simply call the Chorale office and request the proper mailing address to send your check.
To donate to the Chorale by phone, please call the Chorale office at (209) 951-6494 during regular business hours, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday – Thursday.
To donate by mail, send your donation to:
The Stockton Chorale
P.O. Box 7711
Stockton, CA
For information on these and other mechanisms for supporting the Chorale, including underwriting concerts, contact the Stockton Chorale directly.